Thursday, February 19, 2009

Facebook, The Way Of The Future

Hussein Mansho
Facebook, The Way Of The Future

In the past people used to live in tribes or groups to be connected to each other. Conation is very important in every period of the time. In these days people with all the world's new Technology don’t need to live in Tribe or group anymore, because the technology make the conation easy in any place in the world. Facebook is a new way of conation that the advanced technology provided to us. It is a very popular website, which people from all over the world use in order to connect with each other. Facebook is a very useful website because of three things. First, it is the one of the best ways for Friends' connection. Second, it is a very helpful website for collage’s students. Finally, it is a practical website for business.

Facebook is a very good way for friends' connection. First, by it users can find their old friend whom they lose conation with them. For example, in it a person can find some friends who he or she had studied with them in elementary school, middle school, high school and collage. Second, it is one of the cheapest ways that a person can keep in touch with his or her friends by it even if he or he is far away from them. For example, by it I can contact with my friends and their new friends In Saudi Arabia while I am studying her in America and I pay nothing. Third, by it a person can know about all his Friends activities and participate with them if they are interested in that. Finally, by it a person can know more or new information about his or her friends that could make him or make her understands them better.

Facebook is a beneficial website for students. First, students can know the answer of the hard questions in certain class by a certain group that they make in it. For example, if some students were attending a chemistry class and the teacher of this class gave them 10 questions as homework, a student who didn't know the answer of a question or more could post the question or the questions in Facebook and ask if anyone know how to do it or them and hopefully he would get the answer or answers. Second, students who are about to graduate from high schools can make groups or inter groups in it, in older to collect information about universities from their future class mates. Finally, students who attend classes with a certain professor can exchange their notes by it or by their group in it. For example, by it an absent student could get other students notes and hopefully would understand the lecture that he or she missed.

Facebook is a good website for business. First, because of its huge number of participators companies can advertise their products by it. "Facebook has hit the 175,000,000 active user mark, just 5 weeks after it hit 150 million users in January. At this rate, Facebook has been growing by well over 600,000 users per day over the last several weeks." (Inside Facebook, 2009, P. 1-1). Second, managers and workers in the same company can make close relations by it and know more about each other by it. Every body knows that the good relationship between manger and his workers make workers work more effectively. Third, by it companies can stay in touch with its ex-employees had get benefits from their experiences. Finally, companies can get feed back from its consumers if they build good relationships with them in it.

Facebook is a great website for Friends’ conation, a useful website for students, and a practical website for business. The revolution of connection make the connection between people easer and cheaper. In these days a person can connect and make relationships with people even if he or she hasn’t mated in the regular life. Also, the connections in these days sometime cost no money because of Internet. People should use the new ways of connection wisely and effectively. They should make them an enduring land for the next generations.


Inside Facebook. (2009, February, 14). Facebook surpasses 175 million users, continuing to grow by 600k. Retriened February 17, 2009, from

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