Thursday, February 26, 2009

Solutions for Russia’s population decline

With all the talk about the overpopulation in the world and its effects on our environment, you find that the experts in Russia are occupied by its population decline. Russia's population is shrinking. According to M. Rosenberg (2006), in the early 1990’s at the time of the end of the Soviet Union, Russia’s population was 148 million. Today, Russia's population is 143 million. "The Russian Federation today is in the grip of a steadily tightening mesh of serious demographic problems, for which the term ‘crisis’ is no overstatement. This crisis is altering the realm of the possible for the country and its people--continuously, directly, and adversely. Russian social conditions, economic potential, military power, and international influence are today all subject to negative demographic constraints--and these constraints stand only to worsen over the years immediately ahead" (Eberstadt, 2005, para.1). “Russia's population of 143 million people is expected to decrease by 22 percent between now and the year 2050. If this expectation happens, Russia could lose 42 percent of its active working population” (Mcadams, 2006, para. 2). The causes of this decline are the dilapidating health care system, the low birth rate, the high consumption of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes and the high abortion rate. Russia should make solutions in order to end its population decline. The best solutions are that Russia should provide an enduring health care system, decrease the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, and stop abortion.

First, Russia has a free but a very poor health care system. It should revamp it in order to increase its people’s life expectancy and stop its population from decreasing. According to A. Rodriguez (2008), the big reason for Russia's population decline by 7,000,000 people a year is that its death rate is very high and the average life expectancy for Russian men is 59. In the U.S. it is 75; in Japan it is 79. In the existent health care system there are few professional doctors, rife corruption, and poor equipment. “Medical care in Russia is among the worst in the industrialized world. A 2000 World Health Organization report ranked Russia's health system 130th out of 191 countries, on a par with such nations as Peru and Honduras” (Danilova, 2007, para. 6). Therefore, Russia should spend more money on its health care system. This spending should contain three goals. First, it should make the salaries of the nurses and doctors higher in order to diminish the corruption. It should provide new equipment to its hospitals, and it should train its workers who work in the health care system. If Russia does that, the life expectancy of its people will be higher and its population decrease will stop. According to A. Rodriguez (2008), In Russia there are many 30 to 59-year-old men who die from heart diseases. If Russia provides a better health care system, it can reverse that trend. Russia's health care system needs to be changed as soon as possible.

Second, Russia should decrease the consumption of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. The drug use, alcoholism and cigarettes are leading reasons for the decline in Russia's population (BBC News, 2002). Also, “Rates of alcoholism and drug addiction have increased, especially among young people. Two-thirds of Russian males currently smoke, more than twice the proportion in the USA, and one third of Russian females also smoke. Lung cancer has increased by almost 63% since the mid-1990s” (de Rooy, 2002, para. 4). Therefore, Russia should cope with this problem by doing three things. First, Russia should put high taxes on buying alcohol or cigarettes in order to stop its people from drinking or smoking too much. Second, it should effectively prevent smuggling drugs into its borders. Finally, Russia should use media in order to warn its people of the dangers of drug use, alcoholism and cigarettes. According to A. Smolchenko (2005, para. 7) “there is an urgent need to raise awareness about leading healthier lifestyles to reverse trends”. She also doesn’t believe that the average Russian wants to die. But she believes that Russians don’t know what to do to stay healthy. Russia should stop its people from doing these habits.

Third, Russia should stop allowing abortion. According to M. Rosenberg (2006), during the Soviet time, abortion was very common as a method of birth control. That technique is still common today, which makes the country's mortality rate high. Also, "there are more abortions than births in Russia. The most recent available figures, for 2006, show 1.6 million abortions compared to 1.5 million live births" (Huliq news, 2007, p. 1). In 2003, the BBC reported that Russia had "13 abortions for every 10 live births. Furthermore, a total of 1.582 million abortions accrued in Russia in 2006 (As cited in M. Rosenberg’ article, 2006). If Russia did not allow abortion, it would not lose this number of children that could grow and have children, which could keep Russia's population from decline. Russia should do three things in order to stop abortion. First, it should stop the pharmacies from selling abortion drugs. Second, it should penalize women who use abortion to lose their infants without strong reasons. Finally, it should offer money to the new parents who think about abortion because their financial positions are bad in order to stop them from doing that.

Some people may feel that by promoting immigration and increasing birth rate, Russia can stop its population from decline; however, if Russia does that its population will not stop from decreasing, because the actual problem in Russia is that the death rate is very high. Therefore, there is one solution for Russian population decline, which is decreasing its death rate, because if it decreases its death rate, its population will stop decreasing and its population will go back to increasing. Also, birth rates in many developed countries are declining or stagnant because women in these countries are working outside or getting their education. Therefore, in this time it is hard to persuade women to have more children. Furthermore, the ethnic Russian group will not allow immigration, because they don’t want any group in Russia like the Islamic group to be stronger than them. Because the number of people that die annually in Russia is very high, Russia should decrease it. According to M. Rosenberg (2006), Russia has a very high death rate of 15 deaths per 1000 people per year. This is far higher than the world's average death rate of just under 9. The death rate in the U.S. is 8 per 1000 and in the United Kingdom it's 10 per 1000. Therefore, it should decrease the consumption of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. Also according to M. Rosenberg (2006), because of the high rate of alcoholism women don’t have children. Second, according to R. Kupchinsky (2006), it is clear that making the birth rate higher and increasing immigration is not going to be enough. Huge barriers will remain, including deteriorating health-care system, alcohol dependency and tremendous abortion rate.

In conclusion, Russia should repair its health care system, make alcohol, drug and cigarette consumption lower, and make abortion illegal. Russia is a very rich country. Its land is full of miners, oil and gas. In the current time Russia's economy is growing. Therefore, the Russian government has a lot to do in order to cope with its population declines to cover the gap between its economic growth and its population decline. Also, its huge land needs more people to build it and to get the benefit from it. If Russia gets over this issue, it will be back to its old position in the world with all of the oil and gas wealth that it has. Russians should come together and work hard to overcome this issue. Russian men should stop smoking, drinking and using illicit drugs. Russian women should stop having abortions. Russian doctors and nurses should stop the corruption. Russia's future will be better after it overcomes this issue. Being a developed country with oil wealth would lead Russia to get back on its feet strongly.


BBC News. (2000, October 24). Russian population in steep Retrieved February 3, 2009, from

Danilova, M. (2007, June 28). Despite oil wealth, Russia faces huge health care problems. Herald Tribune. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from

De Rooy, C. (2008, March 26). Life expectancy as a government performance measure in Russia. Russian Federation. Retrieved February 16, 2009, from

Eberstadt, N. (2005, May 12). Russia, the sick man of Europe. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from

Huliq news. (2005, August 23). More abortions than births in Russia. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from

Kupchinsky, R. (2006, May 19). Russia: tackling the demographic crisis. RadioFreeEurope. Retrieved February 16, 2009, from

Mcadams, L. (2006, March 08). Russia losing battle in population growth to disease, low birth rates. Retrieved February 10, 2009, from

Rodriguez, A. (2008, February 26). Russian health-care system badly ailing: graft is rife, staffing short in the nation’s poorly equipped hospitals, and it shows in death rates. Retrieved February 15, 2009, from

Rosenberg, M. (2006, May 31). Population decline in Russia. Retrieved February 10, 2009, from

Smolcheko, A. (2005, October 18). UN pleads for a change in behavior. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from

Solutions for Russia’s population decline

With all the talk about the overpopulation in the world and its effects on our environment, you find that the experts in Russia are occupied by its population decline. Russia's population is shrinking. According to M. Rosenberg (2006), in the early 1990’s at the time of the end of the Soviet Union, Russia’s population was 148 million. Today, Russia's population is 143 million. "The Russian Federation today is in the grip of a steadily tightening mesh of serious demographic problems, for which the term ‘crisis’ is no overstatement. This crisis is altering the realm of the possible for the country and its people--continuously, directly, and adversely. Russian social conditions, economic potential, military power, and international influence are today all subject to negative demographic constraints--and these constraints stand only to worsen over the years immediately ahead" (Eberstadt, 2005, para.1). “Russia's population of 143 million people is expected to decrease by 22 percent between now and the year 2050. If this expectation happens, Russia could lose 42 percent of its active working population” (Mcadams, 2006, para. 2). The causes of this decline are the dilapidating health care system, the low birth rate, the high consumption of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes and the high abortion rate. Russia should make solutions in order to end its population decline. The best solutions are that Russia should provide an enduring health care system, decrease the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, and stop abortion.

First, Russia has a free but a very poor health care system. It should revamp it in order to increase its people’s life expectancy and stop its population from decreasing. According to A. Rodriguez (2008), the big reason for Russia's population decline by 7,000,000 people a year is that its death rate is very high and the average life expectancy for Russian men is 59. In the U.S. it is 75; in Japan it is 79. In the existent health care system there are few professional doctors, rife corruption, and poor equipment. “Medical care in Russia is among the worst in the industrialized world. A 2000 World Health Organization report ranked Russia's health system 130th out of 191 countries, on a par with such nations as Peru and Honduras” (Danilova, 2007, para. 6). Therefore, Russia should spend more money on its health care system. This spending should contain three goals. First, it should make the salaries of the nurses and doctors higher in order to diminish the corruption. It should provide new equipment to its hospitals, and it should train its workers who work in the health care system. If Russia does that, the life expectancy of its people will be higher and its population decrease will stop. According to A. Rodriguez (2008), In Russia there are many 30 to 59-year-old men who die from heart diseases. If Russia provides a better health care system, it can reverse that trend. Russia's health care system needs to be changed as soon as possible.

Second, Russia should decrease the consumption of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. The drug use, alcoholism and cigarettes are leading reasons for the decline in Russia's population (BBC News, 2002). Also, “Rates of alcoholism and drug addiction have increased, especially among young people. Two-thirds of Russian males currently smoke, more than twice the proportion in the USA, and one third of Russian females also smoke. Lung cancer has increased by almost 63% since the mid-1990s” (de Rooy, 2002, para. 4). Therefore, Russia should cope with this problem by doing three things. First, Russia should put high taxes on buying alcohol or cigarettes in order to stop its people from drinking or smoking too much. Second, it should effectively prevent smuggling drugs into its borders. Finally, Russia should use media in order to warn its people of the dangers of drug use, alcoholism and cigarettes. According to A. Smolchenko (2005, para. 7) “there is an urgent need to raise awareness about leading healthier lifestyles to reverse trends”. She also doesn’t believe that the average Russian wants to die. But she believes that Russians don’t know what to do to stay healthy. Russia should stop its people from doing these habits.

Third, Russia should stop allowing abortion. According to M. Rosenberg (2006), during the Soviet time, abortion was very common as a method of birth control. That technique is still common today, which makes the country's mortality rate high. Also, "there are more abortions than births in Russia. The most recent available figures, for 2006, show 1.6 million abortions compared to 1.5 million live births" (Huliq news, 2007, p. 1). In 2003, the BBC reported that Russia had "13 abortions for every 10 live births. Furthermore, a total of 1.582 million abortions accrued in Russia in 2006 (As cited in M. Rosenberg’ article, 2006). If Russia did not allow abortion, it would not lose this number of children that could grow and have children, which could keep Russia's population from decline. Russia should do three things in order to stop abortion. First, it should stop the pharmacies from selling abortion drugs. Second, it should penalize women who use abortion to lose their infants without strong reasons. Finally, it should offer money to the new parents who think about abortion because their financial positions are bad in order to stop them from doing that.

Some people may feel that by promoting immigration and increasing birth rate, Russia can stop its population from decline; however, if Russia does that its population will not stop from decreasing, because the actual problem in Russia is that the death rate is very high. Therefore, there is one solution for Russian population decline, which is decreasing its death rate, because if it decreases its death rate, its population will stop decreasing and its population will go back to increasing. Also, birth rates in many developed countries are declining or stagnant because women in these countries are working outside or getting their education. Therefore, in this time it is hard to persuade women to have more children. Furthermore, the ethnic Russian group will not allow immigration, because they don’t want any group in Russia like the Islamic group to be stronger than them. Because the number of people that die annually in Russia is very high, Russia should decrease it. According to M. Rosenberg (2006), Russia has a very high death rate of 15 deaths per 1000 people per year. This is far higher than the world's average death rate of just under 9. The death rate in the U.S. is 8 per 1000 and in the United Kingdom it's 10 per 1000. Therefore, it should decrease the consumption of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. Also according to M. Rosenberg (2006), because of the high rate of alcoholism women don’t have children. Second, according to R. Kupchinsky (2006), it is clear that making the birth rate higher and increasing immigration is not going to be enough. Huge barriers will remain, including deteriorating health-care system, alcohol dependency and tremendous abortion rate.

In conclusion, Russia should repair its health care system, make alcohol, drug and cigarette consumption lower, and make abortion illegal. Russia is a very rich country. Its land is full of miners, oil and gas. In the current time Russia's economy is growing. Therefore, the Russian government has a lot to do in order to cope with its population declines to cover the gap between its economic growth and its population decline. Also, its huge land needs more people to build it and to get the benefit from it. If Russia gets over this issue, it will be back to its old position in the world with all of the oil and gas wealth that it has. Russians should come together and work hard to overcome this issue. Russian men should stop smoking, drinking and using illicit drugs. Russian women should stop having abortions. Russian doctors and nurses should stop the corruption. Russia's future will be better after it overcomes this issue. Being a developed country with oil wealth would lead Russia to get back on its feet strongly.


BBC News. (2000, October 24). Russian population in steep Retrieved February 3, 2009, from

Danilova, M. (2007, June 28). Despite oil wealth, Russia faces huge health care problems. Herald Tribune. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from

De Rooy, C. (2008, March 26). Life expectancy as a government performance measure in Russia. Russian Federation. Retrieved February 16, 2009, from

Eberstadt, N. (2005, May 12). Russia, the sick man of Europe. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from

Huliq news. (2005, August 23). More abortions than births in Russia. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from

Kupchinsky, R. (2006, May 19). Russia: tackling the demographic crisis. RadioFreeEurope. Retrieved February 16, 2009, from

Mcadams, L. (2006, March 08). Russia losing battle in population growth to disease, low birth rates. Retrieved February 10, 2009, from

Rodriguez, A. (2008, February 26). Russian health-care system badly ailing: graft is rife, staffing short in the nation’s poorly equipped hospitals, and it shows in death rates. Retrieved February 15, 2009, from

Rosenberg, M. (2006, May 31). Population decline in Russia. Retrieved February 10, 2009, from
Smolcheko, A. (2005, October 18). UN pleads for a change in behavior. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from

Solutions for Russia’s population decline

With all the talk about the overpopulation in the world and its effects on our environment, you find that the experts in Russia are occupied by its population decline. Russia's population is shrinking. According to M. Rosenberg (2006), in the early 1990’s at the time of the end of the Soviet Union, Russia’s population was 148 million. Today, Russia's population is 143 million. "The Russian Federation today is in the grip of a steadily tightening mesh of serious demographic problems, for which the term ‘crisis’ is no overstatement. This crisis is altering the realm of the possible for the country and its people--continuously, directly, and adversely. Russian social conditions, economic potential, military power, and international influence are today all subject to negative demographic constraints--and these constraints stand only to worsen over the years immediately ahead" (Eberstadt, 2005, para.1). “Russia's population of 143 million people is expected to decrease by 22 percent between now and the year 2050. If this expectation happens, Russia could lose 42 percent of its active working population” (Mcadams, 2006, para. 2). The causes of this decline are the dilapidating health care system, the low birth rate, the high consumption of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes and the high abortion rate. Russia should make solutions in order to end its population decline. The best solutions are that Russia should provide an enduring health care system, decrease the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, and stop abortion.

First, Russia has a free but a very poor health care system. It should revamp it in order to increase its people’s life expectancy and stop its population from decreasing. According to A. Rodriguez (2008), the big reason for Russia's population decline by 7,000,000 people a year is that its death rate is very high and the average life expectancy for Russian men is 59. In the U.S. it is 75; in Japan it is 79. In the existent health care system there are few professional doctors, rife corruption, and poor equipment. “Medical care in Russia is among the worst in the industrialized world. A 2000 World Health Organization report ranked Russia's health system 130th out of 191 countries, on a par with such nations as Peru and Honduras” (Danilova, 2007, para. 6). Therefore, Russia should spend more money on its health care system. This spending should contain three goals. First, it should make the salaries of the nurses and doctors higher in order to diminish the corruption. It should provide new equipment to its hospitals, and it should train its workers who work in the health care system. If Russia does that, the life expectancy of its people will be higher and its population decrease will stop. According to A. Rodriguez (2008), In Russia there are many 30 to 59-year-old men who die from heart diseases. If Russia provides a better health care system, it can reverse that trend. Russia's health care system needs to be changed as soon as possible.

Second, Russia should decrease the consumption of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. The drug use, alcoholism and cigarettes are leading reasons for the decline in Russia's population (BBC News, 2002). Also, “Rates of alcoholism and drug addiction have increased, especially among young people. Two-thirds of Russian males currently smoke, more than twice the proportion in the USA, and one third of Russian females also smoke. Lung cancer has increased by almost 63% since the mid-1990s” (de Rooy, 2002, para. 4). Therefore, Russia should cope with this problem by doing three things. First, Russia should put high taxes on buying alcohol or cigarettes in order to stop its people from drinking or smoking too much. Second, it should effectively prevent smuggling drugs into its borders. Finally, Russia should use media in order to warn its people of the dangers of drug use, alcoholism and cigarettes. According to A. Smolchenko (2005, para. 7) “there is an urgent need to raise awareness about leading healthier lifestyles to reverse trends”. She also doesn’t believe that the average Russian wants to die. But she believes that Russians don’t know what to do to stay healthy. Russia should stop its people from doing these habits.

Third, Russia should stop allowing abortion. According to M. Rosenberg (2006), during the Soviet time, abortion was very common as a method of birth control. That technique is still common today, which makes the country's mortality rate high. Also, "there are more abortions than births in Russia. The most recent available figures, for 2006, show 1.6 million abortions compared to 1.5 million live births" (Huliq news, 2007, p. 1). In 2003, the BBC reported that Russia had "13 abortions for every 10 live births. Furthermore, a total of 1.582 million abortions accrued in Russia in 2006 (As cited in M. Rosenberg’ article, 2006). If Russia did not allow abortion, it would not lose this number of children that could grow and have children, which could keep Russia's population from decline. Russia should do three things in order to stop abortion. First, it should stop the pharmacies from selling abortion drugs. Second, it should penalize women who use abortion to lose their infants without strong reasons. Finally, it should offer money to the new parents who think about abortion because their financial positions are bad in order to stop them from doing that.

Some people may feel that by promoting immigration and increasing birth rate, Russia can stop its population from decline; however, if Russia does that its population will not stop from decreasing, because the actual problem in Russia is that the death rate is very high. Therefore, there is one solution for Russian population decline, which is decreasing its death rate, because if it decreases its death rate, its population will stop decreasing and its population will go back to increasing. Also, birth rates in many developed countries are declining or stagnant because women in these countries are working outside or getting their education. Therefore, in this time it is hard to persuade women to have more children. Furthermore, the ethnic Russian group will not allow immigration, because they don’t want any group in Russia like the Islamic group to be stronger than them. Because the number of people that die annually in Russia is very high, Russia should decrease it. According to M. Rosenberg (2006), Russia has a very high death rate of 15 deaths per 1000 people per year. This is far higher than the world's average death rate of just under 9. The death rate in the U.S. is 8 per 1000 and in the United Kingdom it's 10 per 1000. Therefore, it should decrease the consumption of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. Also according to M. Rosenberg (2006), because of the high rate of alcoholism women don’t have children. Second, according to R. Kupchinsky (2006), it is clear that making the birth rate higher and increasing immigration is not going to be enough. Huge barriers will remain, including deteriorating health-care system, alcohol dependency and tremendous abortion rate.

In conclusion, Russia should repair its health care system, make alcohol, drug and cigarette consumption lower, and make abortion illegal. Russia is a very rich country. Its land is full of miners, oil and gas. In the current time Russia's economy is growing. Therefore, the Russian government has a lot to do in order to cope with its population declines to cover the gap between its economic growth and its population decline. Also, its huge land needs more people to build it and to get the benefit from it. If Russia gets over this issue, it will be back to its old position in the world with all of the oil and gas wealth that it has. Russians should come together and work hard to overcome this issue. Russian men should stop smoking, drinking and using illicit drugs. Russian women should stop having abortions. Russian doctors and nurses should stop the corruption. Russia's future will be better after it overcomes this issue. Being a developed country with oil wealth would lead Russia to get back on its feet strongly.


BBC News. (2000, October 24). Russian population in steep Retrieved February 3, 2009, from

Danilova, M. (2007, June 28). Despite oil wealth, Russia faces huge health care problems. Herald Tribune. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from

De Rooy, C. (2008, March 26). Life expectancy as a government performance measure in Russia. Russian Federation. Retrieved February 16, 2009, from
Eberstadt, N. (2005, May 12). Russia, the sick man of Europe. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from

Huliq news. (2005, August 23). More abortions than births in Russia. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from

Kupchinsky, R. (2006, May 19). Russia: tackling the demographic crisis. RadioFreeEurope. Retrieved February 16, 2009, from

Mcadams, L. (2006, March 08). Russia losing battle in population growth to disease, low birth rates. Retrieved February 10, 2009, from

Rodriguez, A. (2008, February 26). Russian health-care system badly ailing: graft is rife, staffing short in the nation’s poorly equipped hospitals, and it shows in death rates. Retrieved February 15, 2009, from

Rosenberg, M. (2006, May 31). Population decline in Russia. Retrieved February 10, 2009, from
Smolcheko, A. (2005, October 18). UN pleads for a change in behavior. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mnsho is nervous

In Carbondale I am always nervous. My life in Carbondale makes me nervous because of several things. First, the food in Carbondale is very different from the food in my country. Therefore, some time I feel that I am starving and I need to eat real food. The idea of that I can’t eat some kind of food, because I am in the United States makes me nervous. Second, the U.S collage requirements make me nervous. When I think about the collage requirements, I feel disappointed, sad, and nervous because it needs a lot of hard work to get them. Third, when I think about my parents, I feel nervous, because they are very old and they like me to be around. Furthermore, the way of teaching that Cesl is using makes me nervous because it is a very stressful way. In my classes every day there are quizzes and everything is graded. Therefore, I feel very nervous. In addition, the weather in Carbondale makes me nervous because it is not expectable. Every day the weather is changing in Carbondale. Weather in one day is cold another day is hot. Then I feel nervous when I have a lot of homework. Also, I feel nervous when I feel that the classes in Cesl are not useful and I am wasting my time when I attend them. I am very nervous because the live in Cesl is hard. I hope I finish Cesl as soon as possible because I started to be tired. When I finish Cesl I will quet smoking because I smoked very much in last year because of cesl.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Facebook, The Way Of The Future

Hussein Mansho

In the past people used to live in tribes or groups to be connected to each other. Conation is very important in every period of the time. In these days people with all the world's new Technology don’t need to live in Tribe or group anymore, because the technology make the conation easy in any place in the world. Facebook is a new way of conation that the advanced technology provided to us. It is a very popular website, which people from all over the world use in order to connect with each other. Facebook is a very useful website because of three things. First, it is the one of the best ways for Friends' connection. Second, it is a very helpful website for collage’s students. Finally, it is a practical website for business.

Facebook is a very good way for friends' connection. First, by it users can find their old friend whom they lose conation with them. For example, in it a person can find some friends who he or she had studied with them in elementary school, middle school, high school and collage. Second, it is one of the cheapest ways that a person can keep in touch with his or her friends by it even if he or he is far away from them. For example, by it I can contact with my friends and their new friends In Saudi Arabia while I am studying her in America and I pay nothing. Third, by it a person can know about all his Friends activities and participate with them if they are interested in that. Finally, by it a person can know more or new information about his or her friends that could make him or make her understands them better.

Facebook is a beneficial website for students. First, students can know the answer of the hard questions in certain class by a certain group that they make in it. For example, if some students were attending a chemistry class and the teacher of this class gave them 10 questions as homework, a student who didn't know the answer of a question or more could post the question or the questions in Facebook and ask if anyone know how to do it or them and hopefully he would get the answer or answers. Second, students who are about to graduate from high schools can make groups or inter groups in it, in older to collect information about universities from their future class mates. Finally, students who attend classes with a certain professor can exchange their notes by it or by their group in it. For example, by it an absent student could get other students notes and hopefully would understand the lecture that he or she missed.

Facebook is a good website for business. First, because of its huge number of participators companies can advertise their products by it. "Facebook has hit the 175,000,000 active user mark, just 5 weeks after it hit 150 million users in January. At this rate, Facebook has been growing by well over 600,000 users per day over the last several weeks." (Inside Facebook, 2009, P. 1-1). Second, managers and workers in the same company can make close relations by it and know more about each other by it. Every body knows that the good relationship between manger and his workers make workers work more effectively. Third, by it companies can stay in touch with its ex-employees had get benefits from their experiences. Finally, companies can get feed back from its consumers if they build good relationships with them in it.

Facebook is a great website for Friends’ conation, a useful website for students, and a practical website for business. The revolution of connection make the connection between people easer and cheaper. In these days a person can connect and make relationships with people even if he or she hasn’t mated in the regular life. Also, the connections in these days sometime cost no money because of Internet. People should use the new ways of connection wisely and effectively. They should make them an enduring land for the next generations.


Inside Facebook. (2009, February, 14). Facebook surpasses 175 million users, continuing to grow by 600k. Retriened February 17, 2009, from

Facebook, The Way Of The Future

Hussein Mansho
Facebook, The Way Of The Future

In the past people used to live in tribes or groups to be connected to each other. Conation is very important in every period of the time. In these days people with all the world's new Technology don’t need to live in Tribe or group anymore, because the technology make the conation easy in any place in the world. Facebook is a new way of conation that the advanced technology provided to us. It is a very popular website, which people from all over the world use in order to connect with each other. Facebook is a very useful website because of three things. First, it is the one of the best ways for Friends' connection. Second, it is a very helpful website for collage’s students. Finally, it is a practical website for business.

Facebook is a very good way for friends' connection. First, by it users can find their old friend whom they lose conation with them. For example, in it a person can find some friends who he or she had studied with them in elementary school, middle school, high school and collage. Second, it is one of the cheapest ways that a person can keep in touch with his or her friends by it even if he or he is far away from them. For example, by it I can contact with my friends and their new friends In Saudi Arabia while I am studying her in America and I pay nothing. Third, by it a person can know about all his Friends activities and participate with them if they are interested in that. Finally, by it a person can know more or new information about his or her friends that could make him or make her understands them better.

Facebook is a beneficial website for students. First, students can know the answer of the hard questions in certain class by a certain group that they make in it. For example, if some students were attending a chemistry class and the teacher of this class gave them 10 questions as homework, a student who didn't know the answer of a question or more could post the question or the questions in Facebook and ask if anyone know how to do it or them and hopefully he would get the answer or answers. Second, students who are about to graduate from high schools can make groups or inter groups in it, in older to collect information about universities from their future class mates. Finally, students who attend classes with a certain professor can exchange their notes by it or by their group in it. For example, by it an absent student could get other students notes and hopefully would understand the lecture that he or she missed.

Facebook is a good website for business. First, because of its huge number of participators companies can advertise their products by it. "Facebook has hit the 175,000,000 active user mark, just 5 weeks after it hit 150 million users in January. At this rate, Facebook has been growing by well over 600,000 users per day over the last several weeks." (Inside Facebook, 2009, P. 1-1). Second, managers and workers in the same company can make close relations by it and know more about each other by it. Every body knows that the good relationship between manger and his workers make workers work more effectively. Third, by it companies can stay in touch with its ex-employees had get benefits from their experiences. Finally, companies can get feed back from its consumers if they build good relationships with them in it.

Facebook is a great website for Friends’ conation, a useful website for students, and a practical website for business. The revolution of connection make the connection between people easer and cheaper. In these days a person can connect and make relationships with people even if he or she hasn’t mated in the regular life. Also, the connections in these days sometime cost no money because of Internet. People should use the new ways of connection wisely and effectively. They should make them an enduring land for the next generations.


Inside Facebook. (2009, February, 14). Facebook surpasses 175 million users, continuing to grow by 600k. Retriened February 17, 2009, from

Monday, February 16, 2009


In Saudi Arabia to party in Valentine’s Day is forbidden. In my country there are only two holidays that our prophet told us to party, but I always have a problem in Valentine’s Day. The problem is that my love is from Syria, which is not a religious country. Therefore, she always wants me to speak with her or send to her card or any thing in this day, but I always refuse to do so. In last Sunday I did not send to her any massage, I didn’t speak with her, because of the Valentine’s Day. Therefore, she sent massages to me today to complain that why I didn’t speak with her, or why I didn’t sent to her massage. Some time men cannot understand women. I always tell her that the love is in the heart. Therefore, we don’t need to have an especial day to party or show our love. I know that she is angry with me, but I will handle that. Also, in my opinion men should give rose always to girls in any time because girls are the most beautiful creatures in our world. I know that men always show their emotion by doing things but girls love to hear some worm words and get some beautiful roses. Therefore, we should treat them nicer not only in Valentine’s Day but also in every day. I love a girl that I love, because she is a great person. She always tries to make me happy and I have never felt angry because of her. She is a great person. I wish I were with her now.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The over population In India

In the article, “overpopulation,” by Wahidah, she mentions that India will become the most populated country in the world if it keeps its current population growth rate. Therefore, Wahidah suggests three solutions that India should do in order to cope with its overpopulation and control it. It should increase awareness of the public and of women, it should control the population in several ways, Media can play one of the most important roles in education the public. She thinks that the media such as movies, magazines, newspapers, television, conferences, books, lectures and radio can make the people aware. Also, she thinks that family planning services and programs should be improved to solve the overpopulation problems. Finally, government can play the most important role in the birth control process and in solving the overpopulation problems.

I don’t agree with Wahidah, because she thinks that India is an ordinary country. I feel that she forgets that India is a very poor country, and more than half of its population lives in rural areas. Also, most of them are illiterate. Therefore, the media can not play a strong role to decrease the overpopulation in India. Furthermore, I don’t think that family planning services and programs can do them their work effectively, because it is hard for them to reach some rural areas with many people in India. Also, the government can not reach them, because they are located in Indian mountains. I think that India should keep its population growth rate, because that could help it with growth economy, and it needs high population, especially in agriculture.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Vacation is good

I think too much. I always think in important stuffs, and I don’t pay any attention to the small things or unimportant things. Therefore, I always make mistakes in unimportant things. For example, some time when I am driving, I don’t make turn when I should do it, I keep going until I realize that I missed the turn. Also, last week I did two mistakes. The first one was ordering pizza from Marion. I was very hungry and tired that I picked up the Yellow book and I called Papa John's Pizza in Marion and ordered a pizza. The waiter who answered was new. He made my order and called me back to ask me again about my place. After I told him about my place he told me that we are in Marion and he gave me the Carbondale Papa John' number. Also In this weekend I was trying to find a new an apartment for only three months. I was calling the numbers on Dally Egyptian. One woman of whom I spook to told me that she has one in Murphysboro. I told her that can I see it? She told me yes at 2 clock .After I finished the call, my friend was about to day from laughing. He told me that Murphysboro is another city that closes to Carbondale. I called the women again and told her that I was confused and I thought that Murphysboro is a name of building in Carbondale. I love to stop doing these mistakes, but sometime you cant manage your doing. I slould stop thinking too much.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Population Decline In Russia

Hussein Mansho

In the article," Russian decline; Population and health woes, and alcoholism", by Helle Dale, he discusses Russia’s population decline and its current economy resurgence. First, Russian ambition is back with its oil wealth and its leader Putin, but it is facing a population decline. Russian population is expected to decline to 99 million by 2050 and some expect it to be 77 million. Therefore, the author believes that the US will be stronger to lead the 21st century with the 419 million that its population is expected to be. Second, the author believes that Russia should deal with this population decline; because it is continually losing 700,000 people per year and that will be losing 31 percent between 2005 and 2050. This decline is because of the declining birthrates and the low life expectancy of its population. The birth rates in Russia are 1.2 to 1.3. Also, Russian men's life expectancy is 20 years less than Japanese men and 3 years less than Bangladeshi men that because of the bad healthcare system and alcohol consumption. The author thinks that the population decline is the worst issue that Russian is facing, but at the same time it looks strong because of its oil wealth. Furthermore, Russian's population structure is going to change because the number of Islamic group is growing and the Muslims might be the majority in 2050. That would affect the ethnic group. Finally, the author thinks that with the Russian disorder and European declines, the US will have stable population growth because of the fertility rates and immigration. Therefore, its effect on the developed world will rise.

I disagree with the author in three points. First, the decline in population that Russia is facing is good because this decline will make many things easer for the government. Second, the gap between the growing economy and the population decline is not a bad aspect because Russia can deal with that by several approaches. Finally, the future in Russia will be more flourishing because of its birth rate and men’s life expectancy.

In the 21st century with all this development that the world is having, the high population represents hardships that the governments should handle for their Citizens. In the coming decades the people will need more services such as good healthcare programs, high education services, and durable transportation. That is very hard to get for the government in a country that has overpopulation or high population, but it is easier for the government with less population. The population’s prosperity depends on the level of services that the government establishes for its citizens. If the government demands only on its huge population to effect on other countries without giving its citizens the level of prosperity that the other countries give to their citizens, its policy will fail. Therefore, we can notice that Russian force is back to play a strong role in the world, because of the harmony that Putin has established between the force that Russia has and the good economy that offers Russia a good level of prosperity. On the other hand, if we look at the China foreign policy we notice a narrow role that China is playing in the world with its huge population, because of the low level of prosperity that Chinese people have. The technology advancement that the world has in the current century would let the industries less dependent on people and more dependent on computers and mechanization. Therefore, the high population will not help as it used to in the past in the manufacturing process. Also, the time that the people were helping in agricultural manufacturing societies has ended. The high population makes it hard for the government to establish good services that its citizens need in order to support it in its foreign policy in this century.

The gap between the growing Russian economy and the declining in population is not a problem because of several points. First, the globalization of business makes it easy to a have business overseas and to use cheaper works in order to have more profit. Therefore, Russian companies can do business in another country with overpopulation and cheaper labor and have more profit, which helps Russia’s small population to live a very rich life. On the other hand, the high population in any country whose people’s income is limited by the government like the US would drive the business from it to other countries that have cheaper labor; that creates a huge problem because the profit would not be enough to bring a good life to the country with high population. Second, Russia can have its growing economy work by short-term contracts that save it from the endless immigration. For example, in Saudi Arabia the foreign workers come to it by short-term visa, in order to issuer the government that they will not stay forever, and their children can't get the nationality, even though they were burn in it. Third, the immigration can cover the gap between the growing Russian economy and the decline in population. For example, it can make it legal for people from other countries to immigrate to it. The decline in population will not badly affect the growth of Russian’s economy.

The birth rate and the men’s life expectancy in Russia are features for Russia in the future. First, the men’s life expectancy in Russia is 59 years of age; that will not put any pressure on the Russian economy, because the Russian economy would not spent too much to take care of people who don’t effectively participate in the manufacturing process with many chronic diseases. Second, the birth rate in Russia is 1.2 to 1.3 that means the couple would not have more than two children. That indicates the good life that this new generation would have because every child would be well educated and have more opportunities than the people in countries with high population. Furthermore, the good life that the new generation would have would make the life expectancy for them higher because they would not have any anxiety ,which could lead to drink very much alcohol. Also, the heath care system in Russia would be better because of the small population that it will have in 2050 and the oil wealth it has. Third, with the nuclear weapons that Russia has, there is no need of a lager number of troops to protect it from its enemies, because nobody can bother it. Also, the measure of the strong in this century is by the kind of weapons that the country has not the number of armies that it has. The birth rate and the men’s life expectancy reflect a good life that the new generations would have.

The world’s advanced technology, declining birth rate, declining men’s life expectancy and the ability that Russia has to cover the gap between the growing economy and population make Russian new generation's future more thriving. The 77 million or the 99 million that is expected to be Russia's population will help Russia to play a strong role in the future. Russians should be happy with this expectation because their life will be better and their children would have a great future. Also Russia’s leader should develop its healthcare system and make its new generation of the dangers of alcohol on people’s lives. Being a developed country with oil wealth and less population would lead Russia to get back in its feet strongly. Russian leaders should work on these features in order to achieve this accomplishment. The world needs more than one county as a leader in order to be led in a balanced way, because the US as the powerful country and the only country as a leader of the world fails to lead it wisely.

Dale, H. (2008, August 20). Russian decline; Population and health woes, and alcoholism. The Washington Times. Retrieved January 20, 2009, from Lexis Nexis database.

Russia’s Population Decline Solutions

Hussein Mansho 


In the unknown Author’s article,’ Russian Population in steep decline,” the author discusses the cusses of Russian population decline. First, the expectation of Russian population is about 134 million in 2015. The loss of people was 507,400 in the first eight months in 2000. Putin concerned about this problem. Second, the cusses of the population decline in Russia are drug use, alcoholism sexually transmitted diseases and psychological reasons. Furthermore, % 15 of Russian couples is infertile and 75% of women have medical problems during pregnancy. In Russia the fertility rate was 1. 7 in 1999.Also, in Russia the death rate is high while the birth rate is low. The life expectancy in Russia is 59 years for male while it is 72 years for female.

Russia can cope with its population decline by several ways. First, it should increase the birth rate. Second, it should decrease the death rate. Finally, it should allow immigration.

Russian government should make the birth rate increase in older to make its population grow by doing three things. First, it should provide Family- planning programs, which provide educational and clinical services that would help couples to take care of their children and make it easy for them to have more children. Second, the government should offer economic rewords to the couple which have more than two children or penalize the couples who their marriage last more than eight years with out having children. Finally, the government should make the average marriage age decrease because it is known that the couples tend to have more children if they get married earlier. Increasing the birth rate is the first step that Russia should do in older to make its population grow. 

Russia should make its death rate decrease in older to stop the sharp decline in its population by several ways. First, it should provide better health care system in order to make the life expectancy of its men higher and make its infant mortality rate lower. Second it should put high taxes on buying alcohol or cigarette in order to stop its people from drinking or smoking too much because alcohol and cigarette are the main cusses of the short men’s life expectancy in Russia. Also, it should effectively prevent it borders from smuggling drugs. Finally, it should not allow the abortion for pregnant women and it should stop the pharmacies from selling abortion drugs because the abortion percentage in Russia is high. Also the government should penalize women who use abortion to lose their infants. Decreasing the death rate is the second step that Russia should do in order to keep its population from declining. 

Migration is one of the most impotent factors that can play strong roles to decrease or increase the population. Therefore, the government in Russia should make it legal for foreign people to immigrate to it in order to increase its population. For example, it should allow for people who live in close countries such as Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China to immigrate to it. If the rule makers don’t want to change Russia's population structure, they can bring transitory workers by short-term contracts until its population back to grow again. For example, in Saudi Arabia the foreign workers come to it by short time visa in older to assure the governments that they will not stay forever, and their children can't get the nationally, even though they were born in it. Immigration is the second step that Russia should do in order to make its population grow.

Russian government has a lot to do in order to cope with its population declines. It should make its birth rate increase, make its death rate decrease and allow immigration. Russia economy is growing. Therefore, it should make its population grow in order to cover the gap between its economy growth and its population decline. Also, its huge land needs more people to build it and to get the benefit from it. Also, Russia should educate its people about alcoholism and smoking heath effects. If Russia gets over this issue, it will back to its old position in the world with all of the oil and gas wealth that it has.

Russian population in steep decline. (2000, October 24). BBC NEWS. Retrieved
February 3, 2009, from

Monday, February 2, 2009

My hometown

Jeddah is the second largest city after Riyadh, which is the capital city in Saudi Arabia. In Jeddah is the main port of the Kingdom on the Red Sea, which has unique coral reefs. People from all over the world come to Jeddah in order to see these unique coral reefs. The shore in Jeddah is one of the most wonderful things that you can enjoy if you visit it. It contains different barks and restaurants. People in Jeddah always go to the beach to fish, exercise, swim, set with the family, and eat special food. Another wonderful place in Jeddah is the downtown. In the downtown there are many ancient buildings that was build by Islamic old ways. Also, in the downtown there are many restaurants that make traditional dishes. The population in Jeddah is about 3.5 million people. Therefore, it is very crowded city. There are many malls and supermarkets in Jeddah. Therefore, you can find many international products. Al kabaian is another beautiful place in Jeddah. It has very luxury villas. These villas are close each one of them has a big pool. Furthermore, the people who leave in Jeddah are the kindest people in the world. Also, there is King Abedalazese University which its buildings have very advanced equipments. Jeddah is very old city it used to be before the discovering of America. I love every single place in Jeddah because it is my hometown.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hussein Mansho


In the article “ Global Overpopulation” by Cara Swann she mentions the modern problems because of the overpopulation and the control of the population as a solution. First, the overpopulation problems such as traffic jam, high crime rate, extinction of animal species, environment damage, rapid climate changes, global warming, depletion of ozone, deprivation for the wild animals of natural habitats, soil erosion, deforestation, water pollution and people high consumption are threats that the people should be concerned about in order to save our human beings. If we look at the statistics, we find that the increase of the population is 3 humans every second and the loss of rainforest acres is 1,5 caters each second. Also, the U.S people are only 5% of the population in the world, but their consumption of the world energy is 25%. The worker women always have fewer children than the housewives. People should understand that the growth of population should be stopped by birth control or natural disasters. If the high birth rate does not decrease, poverty and homelessness will be very common in America. Finally, the author thinks that the birth-free is good gift that people should experience.

The world can deal with the overpopulation by several ways. First, limiting the number of children that every couple can have. Second, keeping the population growing with depending on different kind of energy instead of oil. Finally, the Governments should make more efforts to educate and aware people about the overpopulation and its effects on our world.

Limiting the number of children is a way that we can use in order to stop the fast birth rate. Fist, the government can put rules that don’t allow for couple to have more than two children because the tow children are enough to replace their parents. If the couple don’t fallow this rule they could pay more tax Second, the governments can promote having fewer children by create program that any couple can be in if they signs on that they would not have more than two children (the replacement fertility rate people). In this program the participated family can get many facilities. For example, they can get some money that can help them in raising their children; they can get free doctor’s instructions in order to treat their children in the right way. Finally, the government can let the third child who the couple would have serve in the army, so the couple would decide to not have more that two children in order to avoid having one member of their family serving in the army.

Depending on different kind of energy would decrease the damages in the environment because of the high using of oil and keep the population growing. First, the word economy these days is depending on oil and that create huge problems such as rapid climate changes, global warming, depletion of ozone. Therefore in order to stop the huge use of oil we should do several things. First, develop a certain type of energy that can be using instead of oil such as solar energy or nuclear energy. Second, create new cars that depend on other kinds of energy shush cars work by water, solar energy or electricity. Finally, stop using of plastic bags, spoons, plats and any thing that made of oil only if it was something that you will not throw away directly after one time using.

Governments should play strong roles to treat with the overpopulation problems. First, they should teach the students in school about the expected dangers that we would face if the population still growing. Second, they should make the companies pay higher taxes if the use of their products would damage the environment. Finally, use the media to inform people about the damages that we have done in the environment and aware them about the damages that we will cause in the environment if the population still growing.

By limiting the number of children, depending in another energy resource and more effort from the government we cane wisely deal with the overpopulation and ease its effects in the environment. The government should start work in order to stop the overpopulation before any disaster happen. The people should start to plane threes instead of use its wood to build houses.


Swann, C. (2005, September 1). Global Overpopulation. Suite101. Retrieved on January 20, 2009, from

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Guide

The person who has the most influence on my life is my father. My Father is a businessman. He has a restaurant chain in Saudi Arabia. He studied only to the fifth grad. He started his business while his brothers and sisters were attainting schools. My grandfather was against his business because he wanted hem to continues his studying in school ,but he refused to do so and continued to do what he likes. He is a good father. He always advises me and my brothers and sisters to continue our studding because the life is harder these days. He is so hard working person that he works 12 hours a day. He always travels in order to look at his business. Some thing in my father that impact me very mush is that he is very tolerant, and all the people who he knows respect him. Also, he is a religious person. He has not missed any pray in his live. He is so helpful that he always help his brothers and sisters i. For him the brotherhood is the most important thing. I want to be like him because I love business and I love to lead. I don't like to be a worker in any company because I love freedom. I love to do what I wont when I wont and I do not like someone telling me what I have to do. When I was 16, I started to work with him in his business. Be working with hem I learned how to deal with the workers in order to gain their respect and their hard working. Also, I learned how to motivate the workers by my relationship with them. He is a successful person. I hop I could succeed like him.