Monday, November 10, 2008

Be successful Dreamer

Dreams are the first step to succeed. If we seek about the beginning of any successful person, we find out that he was dreaming about success before succeeding, but dreams are not enough to succeed .you should believe in yourself , and fight to bring your dream from the imaginary to the real life. My dream is to have a restaurant chain in Saudi Arabia. I started to think about that when I was in the high school. I decided to study business to accomplish my dream. While I was studding business in Saudi Arabia, I started the first restaurant with my younger brother. In the beginning we worked by ourselves and some workers. We worked hard until our profit became better. I came to U.S to continue my studding in business and my brother now is managing our business. We will start the next restaurant after a month. When I finish my master dgree I well go back to Saudi Arabia to teach business and continue my dreams in having a big restaurant chain. Dreams are your way to succeed, so don’t keep them only in the imaginary.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I'm glad that you believe in the power of your dreams, even in failure comes, that belief will help you use that experience to do better. I have faith that you will reach all of your goals, but don't stop dreaming even then!